Comic List

Page Title

Destiny Comix

These are all of the comics i have so far for you to get.
-Special Pencilman comic.(we got permission from Animation comics)
The invasion of Erasable Pen Man! (which is our character)
-The Masked Phantom (our main character)
The invasion of Erasable Pen Man and his Robots of Doom!
The War with Bob Joseph!
The Big fight with Annamanapea!
The Attack of Pinky pants and Sherrif underwear head!
Meets the Masked Guy!
The Homosexual Vampire!
Bob Joseph escapes prison!
The haunted graveyard!
The attack of the Japanese Lunch ladies!
The Evil Aliens!
Annamanapea's Maze!
The Queerish Resteraunt!
V.S. Stop-Sign Man!
Annamanapea's Revenge!
The Evil Plan!
The Sinister Flamethrower!
V.S. Arcade Man!
Steven's Cure!
V.S. Scooter Man! (barrowed from Animation comics)
The invasion of Humpty Dumpty!
The Attack of the Rappers! (which brings me to my next point, rap is CRAP!!!!)
Meets Pencilman! (also barrowd from Animation Comics)
V.S. the mutant Human Icicle!
-The Amazing Ameoba Man!
The origin of Ameoba Man
The Aliens from another Universe!
-Super Alien
The adventures of Super alien
Meets Count Glarco!
-Cyber Man!
2 in 1, origin and first adventure!
-Fatman (our character, but Animation comics barrowd him once)
Fatman meets the Sticks Gang!
Fatman and Fatgirl (starring two of my school teachers)
The spider!
the robot and the flame monster!
-The White Skull
The origin!
V.S. the Tiger!
-Captain Joe and Pirate Joe II
Captain Joe Returns!
-Pirate Joe
the Evil aliens!
-Captain Joe and Pirate Joe I (takes place before Cap. Joe and pir. joe II)
The journey begins!
Joe goes Down!
Treasure hunt!
-Robi Cop (one of my favorites!)
The Giant Evil Boxer Head!
The invasion of Toilet Tushie!
The attack of the evil aliens! (there's a lot of these, i know)
the attack of Fred Fartkiss Georgy Porgy Alabama Jack Nickles Junior! (wow! if that was my name i'd legally change it!)
-Peat the Penguin
Takes down Crime boss!
With bruce the dinosaur!
-Alien! (his real name is Neptunlanarius, but, we were lazy
The legend of Alien Part one!
The legend of Alien Part two!
-Stop-Sign Man
Fights the Cowboy!
Stop sign man returns!
In Dimension Zero!
-The Stapler
fights the Man with A million Eyes!
V.S. Beetle Man (barrowd from Animation Comics)
-Staple Man
Fights Midnight Man
The evil aliens (there they are again!)
-The Talkai Bros. (just me and my friends as super dudes)
V.S. Sally Foster!
The Talkai Bros. 2069 (me and my friends again, and one of my favorites because of some of the scenes, my friends know what i'm talkin about, heh heh heh!)
-Golden Skateboarder
fights white snowboarder!
the evil Air Surfer!
-Dust Man
and the Robber!
The Wrath of the evil scientist!
The fat Maniac! (if you've read all the fatman comics, you'll find something familiar in this one)
Fights Dr. Johnny Dung Face!
and the wrath of the @## hole, osama bin laden! (Must Read!
The robot Men from mercury!
-The Defendar
The Defendar origin part one
the defendar origin part two!
V.S. The Alien Gladiator!
Action Comix V.S. Animation Comics World Tournament!
Action Comix World Tournament!
-Captain Boxers.....umm....never mind
-The Black Ninja (another Main character)
The Attack of DR. PSYCHIC!
Return of DR. PSYCHIC!
Invasion of Sahn Kowh!
-The Tiger
fights The evil White Skull!
-Star Smore's..... i don't wanna go there!
-Ninja Adventure (a different series of black ninja comics, these are must reads!)
Ninja Adventure 1, the legend of the Jaquio Sword!
Ninja Adventure 2, Enter Sahn Kowh!
Ninja Adventure 3, Stranded in Space!
Ninja Adventure 4, The Red Dragon!
Well That's it for now, Remember, just e-mail me for a comic, it's FREE!

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